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Proud to be a Finalist in this year's innovation awards. Held by Industry Association AIMEX this award is seeking the most innovative marine products with the greatest export potential.
We entered our Electric RePower Kits. See what you think of our application below?

EClass has designed and offers the World’s first plug-and-play electric RePower Outboard Kits for conventional ICE outboard casings. With the following advantages for the scaling and adoption of electric powertrains.

Manufacturing Advantages of Electric Outboard RePower Kits

• Reuse of expensive and carbon-rich components such as casings
• Use of off-the-shelf powertrain components
• Simple assembly of kits by medium to low-skilled labour
• Ability to scale more quickly with licensed manufacturing partnerships than proprietary electric competitors with entirely proprietary product/factory setup

Distribution Advantages of Electric Outboard RePower Kits.

• Pathway for thousands of marine mechanics worldwide to transition to electric with an ongoing maintenance income stream
• Use of widely available destination country casing and other components including propellers, gearbox etc.

Consumer Advantages of Electric RePower Outboard Kits

• Consumer maintains a relationship with the current marine mechanic.
• Significant reduction in running costs compared to fuel.
• Battery agnostic as battery technology improves.
• Retrofitting into existing engine casing reduces upfront cost.

Explain in non-technical terms how your product or service is at the forefront of innovation and how did you come up with this innovation?

Australia’s only electric outboard R&D and commercialisation company EClass has retrofitted and built retail electric outboards since 2020, with over 12 years of R&D experience. For impact we considered our best contribution to scalability. Competitors either produce fully proprietary outboards or fit limited types of conventional casings - to scale would require proprietary factories and high retail prices, out of the reach of modest buyers or developing countries. Knowing there were thousands of marine mechanics available worldwide to retrofit. We turned our attention to:
o Unique ability to retrofit a variety of branded 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine casings (8hp to 60hp) with new electric motors creating a recycling economy that reduces waste and cost.
o Optimized powertrain and propeller selection for each Brand casing
o Ongoing compatibility with existing propellers, accessories, prop guards and forward controls, tilt and trim
o Engineered, documented and produced a variety of proprietary parts to retrofit to a wide variety of existing casings. Safety and retrofit training, mechanics assessment, maintenance manuals and other materials developed.

How has your product been introduced to the global market and how has it been accepted?

• Online marketing presence and have shown with AIMEX at SCRIBS. We have been approached by international boat builders, solar power/battery suppliers/marine mechanics and International Development/Aid Organisations who understand the potential.
• Two successful projects with RePowerKits, Senegal (see video) and a project for Sea Scouts in Australia. Phase 2 in Senegal is underway and discussions with the Pacific, Uganda, Portugal and UK.

Was there a gap in the market that you filled with this innovation?

We are the only company in the world offering electric RePOWER kits for outboards.
• Millions of polluting two-stroke motors available for conversion.
• No integrated electric product available for marine mechanics to convert.
• Global electric boat market - $5.0 billion in 2021
• Projected to $16.6 billion by 2031
• Growing at a CAGR of 12.9%

Has the culture within your business supported this innovation and how important is innovation to the success of your business?

EClass is an R&D company with pilot sales. Innovation is our USP.
• Continuing to develop kits.
• Electric jet ski kit and electric turbo jet leg in prototype
• A trawler hybrid project
• we have worked with jetboats, hydroplaning boats, survey boats and other custom projects.

If you are a marine mechanic interested in retrofitting with our electric outboard kits or have a project for a custom-made electric boat motor contact us.

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