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First Sea Trials of Turbo Jet Electric Outboard!!

Wow, this went well!  We have now done our first sea trials of our prototype 6kW electric turbo Jet outboard and we were very happy with the performance.

We used a 4.3M Achilles inflatable with both one and two up and achieved a consistent 12 knots with one up.

This is very good as normally propeller guards reduce performance considerably and our aim is to maintain performance,

In fact, we did better consistent speeds than in a straight 6kW electric propeller outboard in the same boat.

We aim to now prototype the 10kW and 18kW versions. And before you say, 'Where do I get it!' we still have a bit of production work to go before we can give you a price and product - but should not be long!

In the meantime, check out the video on our YouTube Chanel - @electric-outboards 

Or if you are interested in being on the waitlist for this product contact us to talk further.

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