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Making the Planet Eclass Outboards largest shareholder

22 September 2022

Boats with electric motors are good for the planet

What would it mean to make the planet the largest shareholder in a for-profit business like our electric outboard business?

What would we do differently and what would we continue?

Eclass Outboards already have put a lot of thought into how we can contribute to the circular economy.

  • We recycle suitable 2 and 4-stroke outboard casings, stopping them from going to landfill and making significant carbon savings.
  • We have an affiliation with an EV battery recycling company that will give EV cells a second life in marine electrification applications and take back Lithium batteries at end of life.
  • We are working on an electric Jet Ski prototype kit. so old petrol Jet Ski Hulls don't go to landfill
  • We are working with authorized retrofitting Affiliates to convert local petrol casings to electric outboards
  • We recycle packaging where possible
  • We use green energy at our factory
  • We have a policy to buy local if possible.
  • We have organized Australia's first Marine Green Loans to make it easier to go electric boating with electric outboards or electric jet skis

If you can think of something else we can do to make the planet our largest shareholder, drop us a line!

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